目前分類:Tattoo (109)

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Chinese Ink Brush Tiger


Chinese Ink Brush Tiger - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - HK

Chinese Ink Brush Tiger - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - HK

Chinese Ink Brush Tiger - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - HK


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Freehand Chinese ink brush style landscape extension


Freehand Chinese ink brush style landscape extension - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - HK

Freehand Chinese ink brush style landscape extension - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - HK

Freehand Chinese ink brush style landscape extension - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - HK


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 Full Body Fire Phoenix


In Progress - Full Body Fire Phoenix, freehand draw tails - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

In Progress - Full Body Fire Phoenix, freehand draw tails - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

In Progress - Full Body Fire Phoenix, freehand draw tails - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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上添花  富貴榮華



錦上添花 富貴榮華 - Chinese Calligraphy - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

錦上添花 富貴榮華 - Chinese Calligraphy - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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- The Monkey King -



齊天大聖 The Monkey King - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

齊天大聖 The Monkey King - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

齊天大聖 The Monkey King - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Double happiness



Double happiness - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong




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- Life is endless start over -



不息 Life is endless start over - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

不息 Life is endless start over - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

不息 Life is endless start over - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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神的恩典 God's grace / Amazing grace - 書法刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo Artwork

- 兩個字的書法刺青/紋身圖案 -



永遠 Forever - 書法刺青 - Chinese Calligraphy - Tattoo Artwork - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Freehand Windy Bamboo


Freehand Windy Bamboo - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Freehand Windy Bamboo - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Freehand Windy Bamboo - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Octopus Sketch


Octopus Sketch - Black and Grey Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Octopus Sketch - Black and Grey Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Octopus Sketch - Black and Grey Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Realism Lion


Realism Lion - Black and Grey Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Mandala - Black and Grey Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Mandala - Black and Grey Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Mandala - Black and Grey Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo



敢作敢當 - Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

敢作敢當 - Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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The Galloping Steed


The Galloping Steed - Chinese Painting - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

The Galloping Steed - Chinese Painting - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

The Galloping Steed - Chinese Painting - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Monstera deliciosa

- In Progress -


Monstera deliciosa - In Progress - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Monstera deliciosa - In Progress - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Love for his daughters


Love for his daughters - Chinese Calligraphy - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Love for his daughters - Chinese Calligraphy - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Love for his daughters - Chinese Calligraphy - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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A Steed Stepping On The Clouds

- 駿馬踏雲 -





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Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo


- one word -



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Marathon Route Map






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