目前分類:Tattoo (109)

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Qilin treading on clouds

- 麒麟踏雲 -



麒麟踏雲 Qilin treading on clouds - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

麒麟踏雲 Qilin treading on clouds - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

麒麟踏雲 Qilin treading on clouds - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo

書道刺青 -



Chinese Calligraphy on his upper arm - 書法刺青 - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

' Chinese Calligraphy on his upper arm '



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 Chinese ink brush bird on cherry blossoms



Chinese ink brush bird on cherry blossoms - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo

書道刺青 -



綠 Green - 書法刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

' 綠 '



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Three-Eyed Dragon In Clouds



Three-Eyed Dragon In Clouds - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Three-Eyed Dragon In Clouds - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong



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Chinese Ink Brush Wings

- with Calligraphy 六字真言 -



Chinese Ink Brush Wings with Calligraphy " 六字真言 Om mani padme hum " - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong



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Dragon fly on the sky

- In Progress Full Back Tattoo -



Dragon fly on the sky - In Progress Tattoo - 水墨刺青 Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang

Dragon fly on the sky - In Progress Tattoo - 水墨刺青 Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang

Dragon fly on the sky - In Progress Tattoo - 水墨刺青設計 Chinese Painting Tattoo Artwork- Joey Pang


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Qilin treading on clouds

- 麒麟踏雲 -

( In Progress )



麒麟踏雲 Qilin treading on cloud - In Progress Dotwork Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

麒麟踏雲 Qilin treading on cloud - In Progress Dotwork Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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- Bamboos in the wind -



無為 Bamboos in the wind - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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 Freehand Cherry Blossom Extension



Freehand Cherry Blossom Extension - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Freehand Cherry Blossom Extension - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Back home cranes



Back home cranes - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Back home cranes - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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- Water -





水 Water - 書法刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

水 Water - 書法刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Freehand Dot Work Koi Fish


Freehand dot work koi fish - In Progress - Dotwork Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art

Freehand dot work koi fish - In Progress - Dotwork Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art



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Chinese ink brush tiger






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Chinese Ink Brush Horse

- Honoring his grandparents -



Chinese Ink Brush Horse - Honoring his grandparents - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Chinese Calligraphy

書法刺青 1 ~ 4 words -



~ 1 words ~


熙 - 書法刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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 Koi fish with Cherry Blossoms


Koi fish with Cherry Blossoms - 水墨刺青 Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Koi fish with Cherry Blossoms - 水墨刺青 Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

Koi fish with Cherry Blossoms - 水墨刺青 Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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天道酬勤 功不唐捐

- with Chinese Lotus -



天道酬勤 功不唐捐 with Chinese Lotus - 書法刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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Abstract Chinese Dragon

- In Progress -



In Progress - Abstract Chinese Dragon - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


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In progress tattoo , the dragon is coming


In progress , the dragon is coming - Tattoo by Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

In progress , the dragon is coming - Tattoo by Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong



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